
Welcome to My Angels With Paws. My name is Jade and I'm a 21 year old vegan, animal lover and cockapoo crazy! My 4 cockapoos - Poppy, Panda, Teddy and Kitty - are my angels with paws. 

We have had Poppy and Panda, who are 6 and 5 years old since they were puppies. As two just wasn't enough, we adopted our 2 year old cockapoo Teddy last year; and before we had the chance to get Teddy's bits chopped, he and Poppy, shall we say got together, and had 5 gorgeous little puppies. We couldn't bear to part with them all, so kept Kitty, bringing our total to 4 cockapoos!

I started this blog as a way to share the amazing experience of bringing up the puppies, as well as our day-to-day adventures with our 4 gorgeous cockapoos.

For more information about each of our dogs, you can click on their names along the top panel; and t
o read the most up to date posts on my cockapoo blog, click on the Home link at the top.

If you would like to contact us or subscribe to this blog, please click on the Contact/ Subscribe link.

I also have a vegan blog where I share recipes, restaurant reviews, and all things animal lover. All of the dogs make regular cameo appearances too, so if you want another site to check out pictures of the dogs alongside some healthy, animal-friendly recipes, you can check out Jade Green Vegan here.

I hope you enjoy the blog!

Jade xx

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