Tuesday 14 January 2014

Perm anyone?

Today was a day for new hairstyles all round...

When I got home from work, I was greeted by a big surprise: curly-haired puppies!! They look as though my mum has taken them to the hair salon to get a perm, and to be honest, I'm not sure how else their hair could have got so curly all of a sudden! Whatever the explanation, they are starting to look cuter and cuter and more like Cockapoos each day.

On top of developing their retro new hairstyles, the puppies are going through another extremely exciting development. A couple of them have decided it may be time to start opening their eyes! At the moment, they have more of a squinty-look going on, but they are definitely getting there! Maybe they wanted to check out how good their new fur looks...

Panda and Teddy went through a restyle today too, except theirs came in the form of a hair cut.

As Panda has been feeling a little left out, wishing that she had her own puppies, she saw the hair cut as an opportunity to make some puppies of her own. Meet Panda's fur babies... who are almost the same size as her! Very realistic Panda! How can one little dog produce so much fur such big puppies!? After bursting out laughing when receiving this picture from my mum at work, I showed my colleagues. I got a couple of 'Aaaas', a couple of nervous laughs, but my favourite comment was: 'Oh wow, that's weird!' Well, at least Panda is happy that she finally has her own puppies, who cares if they are made of her and Teddy's fur cuttings!

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